Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gulf Coast Week 2 Summary

Week 2 is in the books.  I have lost 3 pounds since 1/1/11.  Could be better, but a decent start.  I missed two workouts this week - 1 swim workout (too cold out) and 1 run (busy day, achilles tendon issues). 

Swimming, I have been very happy with my progress.  The new workout book I have been using has me swimming a lot more distance than usual.  My form has gotten sharper -- not there yet but getting better.  I don't have to think about my stroke/technique so much. 

On the bike, I have been spinning this week.  One session on the stationary bike, one session on the spinner and a 27 mile ride.  All easy spinning, moving the legs quickly. 

This morning I was in the pool, swimming 2650 workout, the main set was 3 sets of 5x100 at t-pace for the  first set, then descending the next two sets.  My t-pace right now is 1:45.  The first set I went out too hard, my first 100 was 1:29.  I seriously had no idea I could even swim that fast.  SWEET!!!!!  Of course, I had to ratchet that down for the next 400 and eventually paid for that and really had to dig deep on my last set.  My hammy, achilles tendon and plantar on my left leg were alternately cramping.  I swear they were playing ping-pong.  Overall in all 3 sets, I was well under my t-pace.  I guess that means when I do my next test, hopefully my t-pace will be lower.

I am trying to take it easy on the run so my VO2 Max test in two weeks will be good (as it can be).

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