Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 10

Tue PM -- Hell, I don't know what week it is right now.  Feeling a little -- no a lot -- beat down right now.  Just eating crap, sleeping less, slacking in the exercise department, since Saturday.  Weight seems to be stabilized around 197-200.  Much better than 209, but I have definately hit a plateau.  Gotta get focused again and shake things up.

I was looking forward to intervals tonight, but got my ass handed to me.  3 x 1600 again.   http://connect.garmin.com/activity/72042902  I did pretty good the first mile, but my hr was anerobic the last lap and I think I popped.  I just didn't have it the second mile.  Third mile I had to quit at .5, and cool down.  Finally managed to get it back together and finish it off. 

I had no energy, felt like I was about to puke, allergies kicking, hard to breathe, etc....  I suspect it was a combination of going out too hard, sugar crash from pm snacks, left leg being tight, etc.

Probably being the first day of session didn't help any.  Whole new level of stress just got dog piled on a whole lot of people.  The next 60 days -- heck probably the next 9 months -- are going to suck ass big time.  But I just have to remember that I can't worry about what I can't control.  I just have to harness all that stress and take it out on the swim, bike and run.

Speakingn of that, time to go to bed so I can be ready to swim tomorrow AM.  I am actually looking forward to waking up at 5AM to swim.  Hell yeah!!!

So I forgot to set my alarm clock, so I missed the Wed AM swim.  Did a few minutes of P90X AbripperX to try and make up for it.  Stationary bike wed pm. 

Swam 2400 thurs am in the rain.  We got started late b/c pool staff did not get the pool uncovered until about 5:50 (the pool is supposed to be open and ready at 5:30)  Was going to do a trail run thurs pm, but about the time I reached to turn off my computer I got an e-mail asking me to review a 100 page document asap (which meant right now b/c I was going to be out of the office friday).  So, I had to stay late at work and knock it out -- which meant no trail run.  When I got home I rode the stationary bike. 

Woke up on time Friday and made it to the pool.  Stationary bike friday pm.  Did a 55 min trail run saturday with Sandy and Charlie (well, with Sandy b/c Charlie was waaaay up ahead), all I could handle.  My left achilles tendon/calf was a little tight in one spot, so I didn't push that hard.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/72697325   They went for about 1:45 or so.

Saturday pm I went cx riding at Munson Hills...  My bro called and wanted to go, but he was half an hour out, so I just messed around the trails some with a short out and back.  The out went fine.  The back was... interesting.  In a set of downhill switchbacks, with two pine trees at the bottom forming a chute, I was going to bunny hop the bump in the chute until I realized the trail took a sharp left.  So I tried to dive into the curve... and dove into the pine tree.  Clipped my shoulder, went over the bars, across the trail, and into the woods.  Ouch.  Luckily, the shoulder is just bruised, but I bent my rear derailer, right hood, and seat, and broke my garmin speed/cadence sensor.  And as I am sitting there in the trail, who should ride up but Doug Beason -- a good bud I haven't seen in about 8-9 years.  We used to work together at DEP.  Shot the breeze, caught up, etc., and headed back to the trailhead to meet my bro.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/72697322 

Didn't get to bed until after midnight Sat night, so waking up early Sun for the 4 hr ride sucked.  I would post my garmin, but at the first break when I took off my windbreaker I accidently stopped the timer... so no data of any use.  Ultimately 74 miles, 3:74, avg was somewhere between 18.5 and 19.  I was struggling, but so was everybody, so I can't complain.  Fun, very cold to begin, warming up to pretty hot at the end.  Did a 10 min brick after.  I have really gotta lose this spare tire around my waist.  Of course I say this while munching on a sugar cookie.

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